The twin digital and green transition: decarbonization of cities and industry
Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw

The UN Global Digital Compact is an opportunity for ethical innovations that foster trust and security in business

Companies that integrate sustainability with innovations are better prepared for future challenges and can achieve long-term success.

Integrated transformation is the key to gaining competetive edge.

To achieve the goal of climate neutrality, while at the same time enhancing Europe’s industrial competitiveness, the Twin Green & Digital Transition —  combining Digitalisation and sustainability —  has become one of the European Union’s priorities.

Conference editions

SILab'25 Partners


UNEP/GRID-Warsaw is an organisation established in Poland by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in 1991, under an agreement with the Government of the Republic of Poland. Implements the mission of UNEP by initiating partnerships and supporting Polish and international partners in sustainable development and climate protection.

About the conference

Sustanability Industry Lab (SILab) is a project integrating science, business and administration to scale up innovative solutions for sustainable and equitable development, which occurs in harmony with the capabilities of the natural world. SILab events are consistent with the program assumptions of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).


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